guerre civile russe

[33] The White Russians supported this government body, which lasted several months because of Bolshevik troop isolation from Moscow. The latter, only 205 miles (330 km) from Moscow, was the closest the AFSR would come to its target. [11], The Red Army also utilized former Tsarist officers as "military specialists" (voenspetsy);[15] sometimes their families were taken hostage in order to ensure their loyalty. enfin un document sur la guerre civile russe clair, honnête et totalement intéressant il y a déjà 2 autres ouvrages sur le sujet : la guerre civile russe de Jean-Jacques Marie et les blancs et les rouges de Dominique Venner ainsi que "les armées blanches" de Grey et Bourdier, et d'autres mais on sentait l'esprit partisan anti-bolcheviks, comme ceux traitant de Makhno dans un autre style. Or, the Constraints and Conceits of Counterfactual History. There are 0 reviews and 0 ratings from the United States, Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. The Soviets acceded to a peace treaty, and the formal agreement, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, was ratified on 6 March. At the same time White troops under Wrangel's command took Tsaritsyn on 17 June 1919. [35] Vladimir Lenin's political enemies attributed that decision to his sponsorship by the Foreign Office of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, offered to Lenin in hope that, with a revolution, Russia would withdraw from World War I. [72], Stymied in his efforts to consolidate his hold, Wrangel then attacked north in an attempt to take advantage of recent Red Army defeats at the close of the Polish–Soviet War of 1919–1920. Une effroyable sécheresse sabattant sur le sud et lest du pays pendant lété 1921, les destructions et les ravages de la guerre civile débouchent sur une immense famine qui ressuscite le cannibalisme et sème pendant lhiver 1921-1922 et le printemps 192… Wrangel's fleet evacuated him and his army to Constantinople on 14 November 1920, ending the struggle of Reds and Whites in Southern Russia. Le pays en est sorti totalement ruiné, exsangue, épuisé, affamé. Leon Trotsky, representing the Bolsheviks, refused at first to sign the treaty while continuing to observe a unilateral cease-fire, following the policy of "No war, no peace".[39]. Dans le contexte russe, la « terreur rouge » fait référence aux politiques répressives des bolcheviks à l’égard de leurs adversaires politiques et de leurs « ennemis de classe ». There were also many German commanders who offered support against the Bolsheviks, fearing a confrontation with them was impending as well. By mid-December 1918 White armies had to leave Ufa, but they balanced this failure with a successful drive towards Perm, which they took on 24 December. Naturellement pas comme avec un fer à repasser. By 19 October Yudenich's troops had reached the outskirts of the city. The third was Maj. Gen. Dunsterville, who the Bolsheviks drove out of Central Asia only a month after his arrival in August 1918. La guerre civile russe (1918-21) fut une longue lutte pour le contrôle de la Russie. In Moscow a Left SR uprising was put down by the Bolsheviks, using Cheka military detachments. Trotsky himself declared, "It is impossible for a little army of 15,000 ex-officers to master a working-class capital of 700,000 inhabitants." [39] Signing a formal peace treaty was the only option in the eyes of the Bolsheviks because the Russian Army was demobilized, and the newly formed Red Guard was incapable of stopping the advance. On the 11th Simbirsk fell, and on 8 October Samara. L'auteur fait preuve d'un grand esprit de synthèse tout en manifestant une curiosité communicative sur de nombreux aspects de son essai : sur le plan du style par exemple par exemple, le fil qui traverse le prologue est une référence à la parution à partr de 1913 d'un magazine consacré à "la belle vie", c'est à dire initialement aux"oussadba"(maisons de maitre) à une période où chacun croit que la Russie est entrée dans une phase de prospérité, la belle histoire se terminant avec la mort du magazine devenu totalement décalé par rapport à la Révolution . Six days later this regime was replaced by a Bolshevik-dominated Military-Revolutionary Committee. In July two Left SR and Cheka employees, Blyumkin and Andreyev, assassinated the German ambassador, Count Mirbach. William Henry Chamberlin suspected that there were about 50,000. [79][80][81][82] More modest estimates put the numbers executed by the Bolsheviks between December 1917 and February 1922 at around 28,000 per year, with roughly 10,000 executions during the Red Terror. ed.. Liddell Hart, Basil. [62] Notable historian Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart comments that Bruce's tank action during this battle is to be seen as "one of the most remarkable feats in the whole history of the Tank Corps".[63]. It can also be roughly split into the following periods. Face aux bolcheviks et aux monarchistes, une troisième force, issue du monde rural, émerge. In January 1918, after significant Bolshevik reverses in combat, the future People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, Leon Trotsky headed the reorganization of the Red Guards into a Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in order to create a more effective fighting force. enfin un document sur la guerre civile russe clair, honnête et totalement intéressant il y a déjà 2 autres ouvrages sur le sujet : la guerre civile russe de Jean-Jacques Marie et les blancs et les rouges de Dominique Venner ainsi que "les armées blanches" de Grey et Bourdier, et d'autres mais on sentait l'esprit partisan anti-bolcheviks, comme ceux traitant de Makhno dans un autre style. Already on the date of the Revolution, Cossack General Alexey Kaledin refused to recognize it and assumed full governmental authority in the Don region,[26] where the Volunteer Army began amassing support. [20], The German Empire created several short-lived satellite buffer states within its sphere of influence after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: the United Baltic Duchy, Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, Kingdom of Lithuania, Kingdom of Poland,[21] the Belarusian People's Republic, and the Ukrainian State. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. М., Центрполиграф, 2005. [1]:42 As a condition for peace, the proposed treaty by the Central Powers conceded huge portions of the former Russian Empire to the German Empire and the Ottoman Empire, greatly upsetting nationalists and conservatives. For a time Central Asia was completely cut off from Red Army forces in Siberia. [77], During the Red Terror, estimates of Cheka executions range from 12,733 to 1.7 million. During winter 1920, Ural Cossacks and their families, totaling about 15,000 people, headed south along the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea towards Fort Alexandrovsk. On 25 October 1922 Vladivostok fell to the Red Army, and the Provisional Priamur Government was extinguished. Trotsky extended the use of the death penalty to the occasional political commissar whose detachment retreated or broke in the face of the enemy. Les rouges, partisans de la révolution mondiale et d'une dictature du prolétariat aussi messianique que totalitaire ; les blancs combattant d'abord et avant tout pour la défense de la patrie russe ; les paysans, essentiellement préoccupés par la propriété de la terre ; les Alliés et les Allemands, pour lesquels la Russie n'est qu'un théâtre de rivalités et d'intérêts : autant d'acteurs, souvent divisés dans leur propre camp, d'un chaos indicible. On 13 October Gen. Kazanovich's division took Armavir, and on 1 November Gen. Pyotr Wrangel secured Stavropol. Yekaterinodar was encircled on 1 August and fell on the 3rd. [57], At the beginning of March 1919 the general offensive of the Whites on the eastern front began. "The Tanks: The History Of The Royal Tank Regiment And Its Predecessors, Heavy Branch Machine-Gun Corps, Tank Corps And Royal Tank Corps, 1914–1945. In Ukraine the German-Austrian Operation Faustschlag had by April 1918 removed the Bolsheviks from Ukraine. By the beginning of 1920 the main body of the Armed Forces of South Russia was rapidly retreating towards the Don, to Rostov. In September 1918 Komuch, the Siberian Provisional Government and other local anti-Soviet governments met in Ufa and agreed to form a new Provisional All-Russian Government in Omsk, headed by a Directory of five: two Socialist-Revolutionaries (Nikolai Avksentiev and Vladimir Zenzinov), two Kadets (V. A. Vinogradov and PV Vologodskii) and General Vasily Boldyrev. [37] Even before the failed summer offensive the Russian population was very skeptical about the continuation of the war. [62] The fall of Tsaritsyn is viewed "as one of the key battles of the Russian Civil War" which greatly helped the White Russian cause. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Epidemics spread and death strikes—industry is ruined. [31] The Leagues of Mohammedam Working People, which Russian settlers and natives who had been sent to work behind the lines for the Tsarist government in 1916 formed in March 1917, had led numerous strikes in the industrial centers throughout September 1917. The Black Army, which counted numerous Jews and Ukrainian peasants in its ranks, played a key part in halting Denikin's White Army offensive towards Moscow during 1919, later ejecting White forces from Crimea. Un peu bruyant et pour la chaleur que cela dégage,ce sera bien pour l’hiver. The railways barely crawl. [19] The British and French had supported Russia during World War I on a massive scale with war materials. 1917. [67] Although this communication failure weakened the Red Army, the Bolsheviks continued their efforts to gain support for the Bolshevik Party in Central Asia by holding a second regional conference in March. They had an agreement with the new Bolshevik government to be evacuated from the Eastern Front via the port of Vladivostok to France. The Soviets viewed the treaty as merely a necessary and expedient means to end the war. Du point de vue du droit de la guerre, on utilise l'expression « conflit armé non international », le mot « guerre » étant réservé au conflit armé international. La guerre civile russe, entre 1918 et 1920, opposa le nouveau gouvernement révolutionnaire rouge principalement aux blancs. General Wrangel had gathered the remnants of Denikin's armies, occupying much of the Crimea. Viktor G. Bortnevski, "White Administration and White Terror (the Denikin Period).". After the revolution the Bolsheviks swept through Russia nearly unopposed. Alors que les dirigeants rouges – Lénine, Trotski, Dzerjinski, Staline – portent partout le fer et le feu de la révolution, les généraux blancs – Alekseiev, Kornilov, Denikine, Koltchak, Vranguel – découvrent les intransigeances d'une guerre civile à laquelle ils n'ont pas été préparés et qui les oblige, comme nombre d'intellectuels et d'hommes politiques, à accepter un bouleversement mental et moral. The Red Army, stretched thin by fighting on all fronts, was forced out of Kiev on 30 August. Britain intervened in support of the White forces to defeat the Bolsheviks and prevent the spread of communism across Europe. After the fall of Kazan, Vladimir Lenin called for the dispatch of Petrograd workers to the Kazan Front: "We must send down the maximum number of Petrograd workers: (1) a few dozen 'leaders' like Kayurov; (2) a few thousand militants 'from the ranks'". The Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries supported peasants fighting against Soviet control of food supplies. The attack was well-executed, using night attacks and lightning cavalry maneuvers to turn the flanks of the defending Red Army. [51] Despite setbacks due to British invasions during 1918, the Bolsheviks continued to make progress in bringing the Central Asian population under their influence. Former Imperial Russian and then Finnish Gen. Mannerheim planned an intervention to help the Whites in Russia capture Petrograd. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. La révolution russe d' octobre 1917 a produit une guerre civile entre le gouvernement bolchevique et un certain nombre d'armées rebelles. Affiche de propagande blanche de la guerre civile russe. Revolt against the Bolsheviks continued, The Red Army peaked in October 1920 with 5,498,000: 2,587,000 in reserves, 391,000 in labor armies, 159,000 on the front and 1,780,000 drawing rations. The rest of the former Russian Empire was consolidated into the Soviet Union shortly afterwards.[10]. [83], Some 300,000–500,000 Cossacks were killed or deported during Decossackization, out of a population of around three million. [66] Despite this success for the Red Army, the White Army's assaults in European Russia and other areas broke communication between Moscow and Tashkent. However, units retreating across the border were disarmed and interned by order of the Estonian government, which had entered into peace negotiations with the Soviet Government on 16 September and had been informed by the Soviet authorities of their 6 November decision that, should the White Army be allowed to retreat into Estonia, it would be pursued across the border by the Reds. The smaller body (Kiev and Odessa troops) withdrew to Odessa and the Crimea, which it had managed to protect from the Bolsheviks during the winter of 1919–1920. Elle a donc duré plus de quatre ans et demi. Despite this setback, Moscow was loath to aid Makhno and the Black Army and refused to provide arms to anarchist forces in Ukraine. Within a few weeks the Red Army defending Petrograd had tripled in size and outnumbered Yudenich three to one. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2021,, Inc. or its affiliates. Among the antagonists were the Czechoslovak Legion,[28] the Poles of the 4th and 5th Rifle Divisions and the pro-Bolshevik Red Latvian riflemen. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. After a series of engagements, assisted by a Black Army offensive against White supply lines, the Red Army defeated Denikin's and Yudenich's armies in October and November. in Ian C. D. Moffat. At the same time Denikin's Armed Forces of South Russia (AFSR) completed the elimination of Red forces in the northern Caucasus and advanced towards Tsaritsyn. Ils pouvaient compter sur certains communistes, sur la République socialiste fédérative de Russie, sur la République socialiste soviétique d'Ukraine et sur la République socialiste so… They also understood that the impending counterrevolutionary resistance was more dangerous than the concessions of the treaty, which Lenin viewed as temporary in the light of aspirations for a world revolution. The Whites fell back eastwards to Ufa and Orenburg. Les éditions Tallandier proposent la réédition en 2015 de l’ouvrage de Jean-Jacques Marie sur la guerre civile russe consécutive à la révolution de 1917, publié en 2005 aux éditions Autrement. Although Russia experienced extremely rapid economic growth[90] in the 1930s, the combined effect of World War I and the Civil War left a lasting scar on Russian society and had permanent effects on the development of the Soviet Union. [76] Boris Sennikov estimated the total losses among the population of Tambov region in 1920 to 1922 resulting from the war, executions, and imprisonment in concentration camps as approximately 240,000. Western socialists had promptly arrived from France and from the UK to convince the Russians to continue the fight, but could not change the new pacifist mood of Russia. He settled on a strategy of urban defense, proclaiming that the city would "defend itself on its own ground" and that the White Army would be lost in a labyrinth of fortified streets and there "meet its grave".[55]. 1La guerre civile a ravagé la Russie soviétique dès le 26 octobre 1917 et ses ultimes convulsions ont secoué la Sibérie extrême-orientale jusquà lété 1922. While the White armies were being routed in Central Russia and the east, they had succeeded in driving Nestor Makhno's anarchist Black Army (formally known as the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine) out of part of southern Ukraine and the Crimea. Qui a déclenché la guerre civile russe? The signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk also resulted in direct Allied intervention in Russia and the arming of military forces opposed to the Bolshevik government. During the winter 1919–20, the Orenburg Army retreated to Semirechye in what is known as the Starving March, as half of the participants perished. Under pressure from the Central Powers, Trotsky ordered the disarming and arrest of the legionaries, which created tensions with the Bolsheviks. [3]:7 Several parts of the former Russian Empire—Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland—were established as sovereign states, with their own civil wars and wars of independence. 16 mai 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Guerre civile russe" de Laurent Blondy sur Pinterest. [91], The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of, Ukraine, South Russia, and Caucasus (1918), Eastern Russia, Siberia and Far East of Russia (1918), South Russia, Ukraine and Kronstadt (1920–21), These authorities were created between the collapse of the Russian Republic and creation of the Russian State, The main phase ended on October 25, 1922. Following the Treaty of Tartu most of Yudenich's soldiers went into exile. In January 1918 the Bolsheviks dissolved the Russian Constituent Assembly and proclaimed the Soviets (workers' councils) as the new government of Russia. There were an additional 6,242,926 hospitalizations due to sickness. In December 1917 Alekseev was joined by General Lavr Kornilov, Denikin and other Tsarist officers who had escaped from the jail, where they had been imprisoned following the abortive Kornilov affair just before the Revolution. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Please try again. By February 1919 the British government had pulled its military forces out of Central Asia. At the end of April and beginning of May the AFSR attacked on all fronts from the Dnepr to the Volga, and by the beginning of the summer they had won numerous battles. In the October Revolution the Bolshevik Party directed the Red Guard (armed groups of workers and Imperial army deserters) to seize control of Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) and immediately began the armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. The Czechoslovak Legions had been part of the Russian Army and numbered around 30,000 troops by October 1917. Some of the military forces were set up on the basis of clandestine officers' organizations in the cities. [30] The Bolsheviks attempted to take control of the Committee in Tashkent on 12 September 1917 but it was unsuccessful, and many leaders were arrested. Howard Fuller, "Great Britain and Russia’s Civil War: The Necessity for a Definite and Coherent Policy". [9] Thirteen foreign nations intervened against the Red Army, notably the former Allied military forces from the just-concluded World War with the goal of re-establishing the Eastern Front. London: Ludgate Press Ltd., 1964. [85] Punitive organs of the All Great Don Cossack Host sentenced 25,000 people to death between May 1918 and January 1919. Historien et haut fonctionnaire, ancien élève de l'ENA, Alexandre Jevakhoff préside le Cercle de la marine impériale russe et est membre de l'Union de la noblesse russe. The first regional congress of the Russian Communist Party convened in the city of Tashkent in June 1918 in order to build support for a local Bolshevik Party.[52]. After a series of reverses at the front, the Bolsheviks' War Commissar, Trotsky, instituted increasingly harsh measures in order to prevent unauthorised withdrawals, desertions and mutinies in the Red Army. These émigrés included a large percentage of the educated and skilled population of Russia. Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. The Komuch pursued an ambivalent social policy, combining democratic and socialist measures, such as the institution of an eight-hour working day, with "restorative" actions, such as returning both factories and land to their former owners. The Baku Soviet Commune ended its existence and was replaced by the Central Caspian Dictatorship. Denikin's forces constituted a real threat and for a time threatened to reach Moscow. [34] In January 1918 the Soviet forces under Lt. Col. Muravyov invaded Ukraine and invested Kiev, where the Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic held power. Trouver la guerre civile russe photo idéale Une vaste collection, un choix incroyable, plus de 100 millions d’images LD et DG abordables de haute qualité. [46][47]The Cheka special investigations forces were also charged with the detection of sabotage and counter-revolutionary activity by Red Army soldiers and commanders. [1]:287, Many pro-independence movements emerged after the break-up of the Russian Empire and fought in the war. During this first period the Bolsheviks took control of Central Asia out of the hands of the Provisional Government and White Army, setting up a base for the Communist Party in the Steppe and Turkestan, where nearly two million Russian settlers were located.[27]. Pour moi qui est de l’arthrose dans les doigts de main, ce n’est pas facile d’enfiler les housses surtout aux élastiques en bas sur l’appareil. The houses are crumbling. Millions more also died of widespread starvation, wholesale massacres by both sides and pogroms against Jews in Ukraine and southern Russia. Three foreign nations of the Central Powers also intervened, rivaling the Allied intervention with the main goal of retaining the territory they had received in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. A loose confederation of anti-Bolshevik forces aligned against the Communist government, including landowners, republicans, conservatives, middle-class citizens, reactionaries, pro-monarchists, liberals, army generals, non-Bolshevik socialists who still had grievances and democratic reformists voluntarily united only in their opposition to Bolshevik rule. Elle a officiellement été déclarée le 5 septembre 1918 par le biais d’une résolution spéciale adoptée par les chefs de file révolutionnaires. [68], Communication difficulties with Red Army forces in Siberia and European Russia ceased to be a problem by mid-November 1919. The White Army launched several attacks from the East in March, the South in July, and West in October 1919. One was Lt. Col. Bailey, who recorded a mission to Tashkent, from where the Bolsheviks forced him to flee. Russia was proclaimed a republic in September of the same year. [73], After the defeat of Wrangel, the Red Army immediately repudiated its 1920 treaty of alliance with Nestor Makhno and attacked the anarchist Black Army; the campaign to liquidate Makhno and the Ukrainian anarchists began with an attempted assassination of Makhno by Cheka agents. However, he failed to gain control of Tashkent, Bukhara and Khiva. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Ian C.D. After the treaty, it looked like much of that material would fall into the hands of the Germans. ", Smele, Jonathan D. "‘If Grandma had Whiskers...': Could the Anti-Bolsheviks have won the Russian Revolutions and Civil Wars? [22][23], Finland was the first republic that declared its independence from Russia in December 1917 and established itself in the ensuing Finnish Civil War from January–May 1918. ", Ford, Chris. [13] The Bolsheviks overcame opposition of rural Russians to Red Army conscription units by taking hostages and shooting them when necessary in order to force compliance. The Red Army eventually halted this offensive, and Wrangel's troops had to retreat to Crimea in November 1920, pursued by both the Red and Black cavalry and infantry. Lacking ammunition, artillery and fresh reinforcements, Denikin's army was decisively defeated in a series of battles in October and November 1919. Ufa was retaken on 13 March; by mid-April, the White Army stopped at the Glazov–Chistopol–Bugulma–Buguruslan–Sharlyk line. La guerre civile russe prend un caractère international, symbolisé par les navires de guerre français ancrés dans les ports de la Mer Noire. The Ottoman Army of Islam (in coalition with Azerbaijan) drove them out of Baku on 26 July 1918. There were an estimated 7 to 12 million casualties during the war, mostly civilians. Red Army attacks on the anarchist forces and their sympathisers increased in ferocity throughout 1921. The third period of the war was the extended siege of the last White forces in the Crimea. ", This page was last edited on 12 April 2021, at 14:02. Yudenich also had six British tanks, which caused panic whenever they appeared. [56] In fact, the Reds attacked Estonian army positions and fighting continued until a cease-fire went into effect on 3 January 1920. Soviet demographer Boris Urlanis estimated the total number of men killed in action in the Civil War and Polish–Soviet War as 300,000 (125,000 in the Red Army, 175,500 White armies and Poles) and the total number of military personnel dead from disease (on both sides) as 450,000. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. An agreement was reached between Denikin, head of the Volunteer Army, and Pyotr Krasnov, Ataman of the Don Cossacks, which united their forces under the sole command of Denikin. Ce rappel est un élégant coup d'oeil en passant dans un livre savant, objectif, débordant d'informations venues de Russie ou de l'étranger et de références sur une période complexe et sur un espace démesuré allant de l'Europe à l'Asie où se croisent des actions et influences complexes. [70] In March 1920 her remnants crossed the border into the Northwestern region of China. The exchange rate with the US dollar declined from two rubles in 1914 to 1,200 in 1920. [24] The Second Polish Republic, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia formed their own armies immediately after the abolition of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty and the start of the Soviet westward offensive in November 1918.[25]. Following the defeat of Germany in World War I in November 1918, these states were abolished. [59] Adm. Kolchak lost control of his government shortly after this defeat; White Army forces in Siberia essentially ceased to exist by December. On 14 November 1919 the Red Army captured Omsk. [86] Kolchak's government shot 25,000 people in Ekaterinburg province alone. Ces affiches montrant la haine réciproque des rouges et des blancs durant la guerre civile russe. Y était stipulé que « toutes les personnes ayant un quelconque lien avec les organisations, conspirations et mutineries blanchesd… Major Ewen Cameron Bruce of the British Army had volunteered to command a British tank mission assisting the White Army. [1]:29 The Soviets recaptured Rostov on the next day. Some members of the Bolshevik central committee in Moscow were willing to give up Petrograd, but Trotsky refused to accept the loss of the city and personally organized its defenses. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "guerre civile russe" – Dictionnaire anglais-français et moteur de recherche de traductions anglaises. The high tide of the White movement against the Soviets had been reached in September 1919. More significant was the emergence of an anarchist political and military movement known as the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine or the Anarchist Black Army led by Nestor Makhno. Most of the fighting in this first period was sporadic, involving only small groups amid a fluid and rapidly shifting strategic situation. Grazhdanskaya voyna v Rossii)[1] was a multi-party civil war in the former Russian Empire immediately after the two Russian revolutions of 1917, as many factions vied to determine Russia's political future. Williams, Beryl, The Russian Revolution 1917–1921, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (1987). In February 1918 the Red Army overthrew the White Russian-supported Kokand autonomy of Turkestan. Soviet forces advanced east, despite encountering resistance in Chita, Yakut and Mongolia. La guerre civile russe (1917-1922) Armées paysannes rouges, blanches et vertes; Autrement, 2005; Pages de début 1 - Introduction 5 - I. Les balbutiements de la guerre civile 15 - II. The Russian Empire fought in World War I from 1914 alongside France and the United Kingdom (Triple Entente) against Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers).

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