how to overcome weight loss plateau reddit

The only thing I DON'T weigh is the green stuff (kale, brussel sprout, spinach, etc.). Don’t Skimp on Protein. It's often necessary to watch the one-month to three-month trend in your weight to assess your progress. Also 1.5kg per month is too slow. When the calories you burn equal the calories you eat, you reach a plateau. Make the right moves to keep the scale moving in the right direction. 1. At the end of the day, if you're creating a big enough deficit and lifting weights, you will lose fat. How to overcome a weight loss plateau. According to my fitbit and the different websites i visited I burn around 3000 calories a day when I'm not training, which means I am on a 1,300 calories deficit/day. But since 2 months now, I don't see any result anymore. Sometimes going for a longer fast can accelerate weight loss and overcome sticking points. I am looking for some advice regarding fat loss.I am currently following a nutrition plan, quite religiously in fact, with 1700cal per day. We have very similar stats - I am also 22, 5'2 and about 123lbs. Great weight loss starts with a good exercise and diet routine. Then how many are you burning on training days? Don't skip meals. On top of excessive working out increasing your expenditure, this signals to your body that energy resources are scarce, so it hangs onto fat for survival. From 305lbs to 240 then plateaued, 240-230, plateau, and finally have dropped to 215lbs due to a fair deficit. I definitely don't think I can increase my exercise anymore, except for maybe increasing the weights amount. "If your body has become too used to your workout, your muscles won't work as hard, which means you will burn fewer calories during each workout. It seems OP would benefit more by doing some shorter high intensity exercises to lose weight as this would take less time and he already spends the majority of his time at work. My coach made me start doing "light" cardio on the treadmill after each weightlifting session (20 minutes on the treadmill, 17% elevation at 7km/h). The subjects, exercisers who had burned extra calories, compensated by eating more. Thanks for the tip! I checked your approximate TDEE here and it estimates 1473 calories per day at a sedentary level of activity. Are you tracking your calories? Eat less food. I completely understand how frustrating it can be (just went through a long plateau myself). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Be more active, add full cardio sessions (40-60 mins) at rest days, more walking. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Posted by 6 years ago. You may feel like you are no longer losing weight – but you most likely are and it just … I am gaining and losing the same pound over and over, almost every other day. Discover the real reason(s) you're overweight. Any weight-loss will not be consistent, there are simply too many variables involved in the process. Another option is to try a water fast for 24 hours. After you have established you have hit a weight loss plateau, it’s time to overcome it and keep losing weight. Hi everyone, I'm hoping you can help me get over this plateau. How to overcome a weight loss plateau. I was wondering if anyone had any similar experience and what you did to overcome this obstacle? To lose more weight, you need to either increase your physical activity or decrease the calories you eat. Hi everyone, I'm hoping you can help me get over this plateau. I think the lack of weight loss would not bother me as much if I could fit into smaller clothes. 120 is well within the healthy range for a woman of your height, so your body is going to be resistant to losing more weight. On non-lifting days, wake up early, drink a large coffee, and go for an hour-long walk completely fasted at a good pace. Be sure to recalculate your BMR every so often and eat less than that. Here's a great post by quill18 who dropped only 5lbs/​2.5kg in three months, yet went from a medium to a small T-shirt and wearing 36"​【 】 to 34"​【 】 pants. Losing weight is very easy. I wouldn't worry too much, about the numbers. Those weight plateaus sure can be frustrating! Want to break through your weight loss plateau and lose those last few pounds? BRUH. Recently I have realized that I might not be eating enough anymore, and I can't seem to hit 25 pounds, or even get close. If you’re finding yourself hitting a weight loss plateau when your carb intake is below your personal threshold and your ketones are consistently below 0.5 mM, consider aiming for the low end of your goal protein range for a few … As I build muscle will I still lose inches around my waist? I started this nutrition and training plan 4 months ago and started seeing result at first quite quickly. … Nutritionist Dr. Joey Shulman has tips for getting your body to sense change and break a weight-loss plateau. 3k per day when you are not training ? I wouldn't advise upping your activity while on such a large deficit already- you could be asking for trouble. Calorie cycling. Start digging into some TDEE basic posts/videos and change your strategy. It’s always been caloric intake. I have also started zigzag dieting/zigzag calories. I’ve plateaued a few times and it’s usually due to dieting. If you’re plateauing, drop the calories a couple hundred more. Tracking your daily weight can also help see your overall weight trend when you're feeling discouraged. I'm curious, do you go on walks because you enjoy them in general and you get the bonus of very light exercise, or do you do it specifically to burn fat? I now love pastries. Good to know, I work in a fairly high-stress environment and usually work about 10-11 hours a day, mostly in a static position (desk job). I do not really know anything about it, and found counting calories on MyFitnessPal to be super easy. This is a process known as set-point theory. I think part of my issue is that I lost so much so fast and have been expecting to continue on that path (and pretty much be done in 2-3 months). If you’re eating properly with no medical issues, when you … Here are 8 simple steps you can take. For reference, I am a 22 year old female that weighs 120 at 5 feet 0 inches. Weight loss goal: ~1.5-2pounds a week Update #1 The past few weeks I've been on an annoying scale plateau. Which is why you should never trust those things. Should I expect any changes after 6 weeks of weight-lifting? Fitbit/trackers are very inaccurate. The only accurate calorie tracker imo is my Apple Watch and even then it’s practically on par with TDEE calculators, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. On the calculation, unless you have a very active work days (think construction work), 3000 cals is too much. And I mean weighing everything you eat. Averaging out our respective heights and weights, you may well have similar stats. Am now giving myself a week's rest from training and slowly building up to eating at maintenance of about 1800-1900. My suggestion is to actually find a formula like the Harris Benedict and use that to determine your calories. On Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays I eat 1528 calories; Tuesdays is 1222, Wednesdays is 1680, Fridays is 1375, and Saturdays is 1833. When people say they're losing 1lb/​500g or 2lbs/​1kg a week, this is an average; it does not mean that they're losing 1/7lbs​ a day seven days in a row, or even 1lb/​500g a week, week in and out. I drink enough water AFAIK, with around 3 litres per day. Fasting to Break a Plateau. Eat fewer calories than tdee. When I'm plateaued I weigh myself every 2 weeks to avoid feeling completely demoralized. Keep in mind that fast weight loss can be unhealthy, but you might lose fast at the start of any diet or when overcoming a plateau. If you’re on a weight loss plan and you feel you’ve hit a plateau, there are a few things you can do to overcome it and continue on your path to weight loss success: Record everything you eat and drink, to make tracking intake vs output easier It may not seem like it on the scale, but the extra energy the body needs has to come from somewhere. Let’s talk about, “Change”. It might be different for me because I've never felt walking did much. Of course, exercise comes in many different flavours, from yoga and weight-lifting to cardio. I myself use Fitbit as well and figured out after months of measuring that my burn rate is 15 lower than reported by Fitbit.... My bad! Introducing more lean proteins like eggs, nuts, and meat into your diet is a great way of fueling your … If you're counting calories and the plan was previously working, you just have to be patient. I wanted to lose another 10-15 pounds but I am feeling really discouraged and don't know if I can ever get there. One common reason for a weight loss plateau is that you’ve been spending too much time and effort on cardio or doing the same exercises every day. Something like 2lbs/month is a good rate. Once your body has rid itself of this excess water, it is normal for the rate of weight loss to slow down significantly. Eat a big lunch, drink lots of water, and don’t eat till the next day at lunch. How To Break a Weight Loss Plateau. How to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau Option 3: take a diet break This is probably the best option for those who’ve been in “diet mode” for more than 6 months. And that’s exactly what you need to break through a weight loss plateau. My number one enemy right now are sweets. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's much deeper than all of that. These tips are to help you break the plateau so you can start losing weight again. This is normal. From October to February I lost 15 pounds by using the treadmill every day and only eating 1200 calories. If your weight loss has stalled, increasing your protein intake may help. I know it sounds crazy but it is true. I also had started to increase the incline on the treadmill on the days I did not lift weights. The plateau can be for a huge number of reasons. I'm absolutely no expert and am paraphrasing at best, but i was told that my metabolism may have adapted to being in a pretty harsh deficit. First, … Taken together, these tips should help you push through the weight loss plateau, and move back toward healthy and controlled weight loss. In this situation, apparently a "reverse diet" can be used to restore metabolism to its pre-deficit state, as well as recovering hormone function. It would be unrealistic to use the treadmill for 2 hours a day, there is no way I could maintain that!! It does seem like if I gain a pound from a higher day that I can lose it within 1-2 days, but I don't seem to get anywhere past that. Earlier in this post I talked about “change” as unpleasant and uncomfortable. Some people like to weigh themselves every day and take the average of the week. Using the same approach that worked initially may maintain your weight loss, but it won't lead to more weight loss. The key is not to get discouraged. Remember to recalculate tdee on a cut every few weeks because as weight drops so will your tdee. Close. That helped me to get over it and hit 20 pounds. Welcome to /r/loseweight! Sherri is trying to lose weight but she shares that she has hit a plateau. Keep calm. Before I decided to lose weight, I hated sweets (except for softdrinks). Try looking for non-scale victories because as you build muscle your weight might even increase, but you'll look more toned. Press J to jump to the feed. Also, is it possible this plateau is because of a fairly high body inflammation? Seeing no weight change in two weeks is not unusual; often people will see no change for a week or more and then experience a big drop, sometimes called a whoosh. My resting is around 2100, so I eat 1400-1500 on non-training days and around 2100 on gym days. Fasting is great for breaking plateaus as well. On the counting. Will get back on training next week. The amount of fat you can lose in a day is nothing compared to the amount your water weight can change, so being heavier in the morning does not mean you failed the previous day. "The body gets accustomed to an exercise routine every four to six weeks," Castillo says. With the zig-zagging it looks like you're averaging an intake of about 1100 per day. Good shout regarding my height, I am 1.77 m. I'll will start going for walks in the morning now then, as I already wake up a lot earlier than I'd need to anyway. At this rate, it can be hard to see weight loss on the scale over periods less than a month. Getting a good night sleep is actually one of them. This is another reason why tracking things other than weight is a good idea, because the scale not changing doesn't imply your shape is not. Surely the coffee would counter being completely fasted? I have to change my expectations now to a more realistic mindset without overdoing everything to try to force myself to lose at the same pace as before. There comes a point where you can't add more lean mass naturally or on gear. I bet you don't burn 3000 calories, calculations should not be trusted. Muscle repair and growth, water weight, etc. I'm sure you're burning a fair amount more than that. Perhaps it could work for you :). Don’t Give Up. Adjust your protein intake. Here we discuss everything weight loss related, from diet and proper nutrition (tips & tricks, things to avoid) to exercise, lifestyle changes, or any hiccups you might face on your weight loss journey. First your calorie calculations, then your calorie intake. If you're seeing no progress in either your weight or anything else over the course of several months, it might be time to re-evaluate the plan you've made. Which is strange considering 1700 calories is fairly low (nothing extreme though, just so we're clear on that).I'll start following on the advice below by going for a walk for 1 hour every morning after coffee. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Yep, I'm counting my calories indeed. You might have been in a calorie deficit for too long and your body and/or brain just needs a break. I tell myself to look at the bigger picture and focus on my wins: haven't missed a day of food/water tracking, gaining confidence with workouts (I use Apple Fitness+), I went on a 1hr+ walk which I haven't done in years! The “some-exercise group” consumed an additional 90 calories each day, while the “most-exercise group” consumed 125 more calories. I weigh everything before packing my meals for the day to make sure i don't over/under eat. Like picking a fight to test someone's resolve in their own beliefs, eating regularly … 1. Sometimes all you need to do to overcome a weight loss plateau is switch up what you're doing at the gym. Would I have more success with keto? Began experiencing symptoms like lethargy, some hair loss and other things too. She wants to know how she can overcome this to lose her last 13 pounds. The lower your body fat is the harder it becomes to lose weight. I’d recommend trying intermittent fasting, where you only eat during a certain window of time. Your shit is ass-backwards. I am a 31 yo guy, currently weighing 84.5kg. How to Overcome Fat Loss Plateaus. Should I just give it more time? Also, weight-lifting and strength-training increase muscle inflammation, especially for the first 6 weeks. That's 2800 deficit per week, so 400 a day. Or just stop zigzagging and try to stick with the same amount of calories everyday (maybe 1400-1500)? Sounds to me you need to check two things. Honestly, I'd say to just hang in there and trust the process. How to overcome a weight loss plateau? Without a doubt, if your accurately weighing and measuring that intake you're burning fat. Try this for a few weeks and see what you get: Archived. So, my opinion you probably burn around 2000-2100 with such slow rates of weight loss. I went from 87.5kg to 84.5 in about 2 months, so i lost 1.5kg per month in the first 2 months. I am not sure how much impact body inflammation can have on a fat-loss diet. I now love cakes. There's some information that can be found from various sources. I now love frappuccinos. Tips and suggestions why your haven't lost weight and how to achieve weight loss again. Thanks in advance!! I bet you don't burn 3000 calories, calculations should not be trusted. In this post by nschimmo, he explains why he weighs daily to see a trend and helps when feeling discouraged. If you have been doing the same exercise routine for a while, then … There is no way you are burning 3,000 on rest days. Would be happy to stay in touch to keep you in the loop with how it goes. Be more active, add full cardio sessions (40-60 mins) at rest days, more walking. I always see the most benefit and weight loss from doing hill sprint intervals or stair intervals where for example I try to average around 130 steps/min for five 2-minute intervals with less than a minute rest between. Apparently adaptation happens when you spend too long eating under maintenance (for me, about a year of trying to shed the weight). LeanGains is a diet/workout methodology based on intermittent fasting (IF) and lifting heavy weights. LOL. Less of you means less calories needed. I guess I'd personally want that time to put towards my other interests/hobbies. If you plateau for more than a few weeks (more than 2-3 weeks) or gain you are eating too much / not exercising enough. Yet, I haven't seen see ANY changes in the last 2 months and in fact, i put 1kg back on in the last 3 weeks. Understand how weight loss usually progresses. Tried increasing workout intensity, calorie and carb cycling, reducing calories to 1200-1400 (eating more on training days, less on rest days). People who have dropped large amounts of weight, or large fractions of their total weight, will see their daily caloric requirements reduced. From October to February I lost 15 pounds by using the treadmill every day and only eating 1200 calories. When you are a healthy weight, weight loss is slower. ... One of the biggest frustrations that most people encounter when trying to lose weight is that dreaded plateau or worse weight gain. Weight loss diets can help you feel and look better than you ever have before. Not so much discomfort but “unexpected different”. With that amount of exercise you're doing (which seems like a lot to me!) Simple science. If more people understood that stagnation is an expected and natural part of the weight-loss process, then they wouldn't quit prematurely. the fat will melt off, assuming you're training hard on your workout days, your macros are good (I find 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fat on lifting days and 40/20/40 protein/carbs/fat on rest days works well) and you are eating the right number of calories. I generally eat meals between 12 and 6. CLICK BELOW FOR DISCOUNTS AND LINKS!FOLLOW ME!!! Change Up Your Exercise Routine. Stay the course. If you find your weight loss plateau, fast a little longer, increase your exercise to 40 mins or change your type of exercise, decrease 1 meal for that day and review your results after 7 days. Studies have shown people are terrible at estimating real food intake. I'd comment more on your TDEE and calorie intake, but you didn't include your height. An extended 3-5 day fast makes you burn a ton of calories and lose weight. The first two steps are clear. For example, I'm a 32y/o male, 80kg, 1.80m, desk job, work out 4 days and I burn 2600 cals. I don't know how to increase my activity anymore than I already have, working out 7 days a week and actually lifting weights is more than I have ever done in my life. Sounds like your actual deficit might be way lower than what you think it is. Also 1.5kg per month is too slow. TOP TIPS. Planning on eating at maintenance cals until I'm feeling myself again, hormones are definitely out of whack. Having overcome the dreaded weight loss plateau several times, I can tell you that the secret isn't some sort of magical diet trick or miraculous exercise routine. 3,000 calories on rest days? How to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau. It's only when I lost the weight, it might have "unlocked" my love for sweets. 24. When that change occurs--specifically when you try to lose weight--your body does everything in its power to get you "back to normal." The lower body fat you go, the more patience required! GET QUALITY SLEEP. At 177cm and 84.5kg, you’re not burning 3,000 calories on sedentary days. Doing some math, 1.5kg loss per month means a deficit of about 11,500 cals (assuming that the 7700 cals per kg rule holds true). This study found out that while exercise helps with weight loss, it can also lead to less weight loss than expected. Most people lose weight very quickly in the first several weeks of a new regimen. Here are the first steps you can take to overcoming your own weight loss plateau. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This article includes links I have been paid to include but all opinions are my own to help you overcome a weight loss plateau. I agree. Don't reduce your calorie intake. Don’t Give Up! While some of this weight is actual body mass, a lot of it is excess water. A full night’s sleep is vital to losing body fat because it resets your hormones. It is meant to be a way of body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way. Recently posted on another sub about weight and body fat loss stall that stayed completely still no matter what I tried (if not sometimes creeping upwards, followed by even more desperate efforts to bring it down again). Water weight, which is dependent on sodium levels and the number of starchy carbs you're eating, can easily fluctuate by 3lbs/​1.5kg on a daily basis, and is often the principle component in daily weight changes. I’m 181cm and 80kg and burn 3000 on one of my PPL days, with a decent amount of walking or some cardio too. Over the past week and a half I have started lifting heavier weights, increasing my incline more, and stay on the treadmill every day for 40 minutes, no matter how many calories it says I burned in that time frame. So, my opinion you probably burn around 2000-2100 with such slow rates of weight loss. But even considering the average, 3k looks high to me considering your weight/age. If you are trying to lose weight it can be so frustrating when you hit a plateau. I hit a bad plateau then and started lifting weights every other day. Keep this rule of thumb going. Contrary to popular belief, fasting doesn’t slow down the metabolism but actually speeds it up. My body always adjusts and I really have to switch something up. However, I fell down again and was able to gain weight after reaching 139 lbs. You're within the healthy weight range for your height, AND you're putting on muscle. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Change it up. Healthy diet, regular exercise, and a helping hand from the right supplements will help you push through a weight loss plateau. It makes sense that eat less-> weigh less every day, but that's not always how it works. Also you’re probably better off using a TDEE calculator than a Fitbit thingo. Don't reduce your … Just a heads up this requires you to count calories, unless you can eyeball portions. It's your mindset. They will need to recalculate their requirements and adjust their eating accordingly.

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