amundi funds global ecology esg kurs

Der Nachhaltigkeitsklassiker in Kürze. (Nasdaq, NYSE: 20 Min.). Not only are we active in terms of stock level analysis, but we also have the ability to engage with companies on ESG issues. All investors should seek professional advice prior to any investment decision, in order to determine the risks associated with the investment and its suitability. In view of the above, Amundi advises you to confirm the accuracy of any information with Amundi before seeking to rely on such information. The Website is provided on an “as is” basis and neither Amundi nor any of its information providers, licensors, directors, employees, or agents warrant that their supply of information to users (the “Service”) will be uninterrupted or error free nor does Amundi or any of its information providers, licensors, directors, employees or agents make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the Service. Max. These terms and conditions of use should be read in conjunction with the privacy statement. Each holding within the portfolio is allocated to one of these proprietary sectors. Please select your country website to view the funds that are available in your country. *, View Other Responsible Investing Solutions, *Diversification does not assume a profit or protect against a loss. This material is information purposes only, is not a recommendation, financial analysis or advice, and does not constitute a solicitation, invitation or offer to purchase or sell any the funds or services described herein in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation or invitation would be unlawful. den Wesentlichen Anlegerinformationen (KIID). Alle Infos zum Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG - A EUR (C) Fonds (WKN A2PCQV, ISIN LU1883318740): Aktueller Kurs, historische Performance, Meinungen und Bewertung. *Diversification does not assume a profit or protect against a loss. Présentation du fonds Amundi Funds - Global Ecology ESG A EUR (C) (LU0271656133) de Amundi Luxembourg S.A. : cours, performance, rapport hebdo, évolution. Die Wertentwicklung der letzten 12 Monaten betrug 8,23%. Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG – offers investors a real ESG exposure through a truly diversified* and comprehensive set of ESG objectives. Diese Produkte versuchen, den jeweiligen Index 1:1 zu tracken.  website and choose another selection. The funds shown on this Website may not be available in your country. Das Fonds-Datenblatt AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A EUR (C) LU1883318740, A2PCQV, 10AY zeigt aktuelle Kurse und Stammdaten. At its core, our investment approach is based on fundamental bottom-up analysis from both an ESG and Financial standpoint. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. 30 Jahre später sind Klimaschutz und soziale Fragen aktueller denn je – genauso wie der Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG. If you are a “US Person”, you are not authorized to access this site and you are invited to log onto Zum AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ... Fonds mit der WKN A2PCQV finden Sie bei der Consorsbank zahlreiche Wertpapierinformationen wie z.B. Ausgabeaufschlag. Über den AMUNDI Global ECOLOGY Fonds (A2PCQY | LU1883319128) Der AMUNDI Global ECOLOGY (LU1883319128) wurde am 16.12.2013 von der Fondsgesellschaft Amundi Funds SICAV aufgelegt. Dieses Dokument enthält Informationen zum Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG (bis zum 07.06.2019 Amundi Funds II – Global Ecology) (der Teilfonds), Teilfonds von Amundi Funds (die „SICAV“.) AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A CHF (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A EUR (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A EUR AD (D), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A USD (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A USD AD (D), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - E2 EUR (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - F EUR (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - G EUR (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - I2 EUR (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - I2 EUR AD (D), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - I2 USD (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - R2 USD (C), AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - R2 EUR (C), Investment Talks - Factor Investing and ESG in the Corporate Bond Market Before and During the COVID-19 Crisis, INVESTMENT INSIGHTS BLUE PAPER | NOVEMBER 2020, Early Christmas gifts to support year-end rally, The US election and Covid-19 vaccines: implications for the economy and markets, Investment Insight Blue Paper December 2020, Amundi Funds Information, Marketing and Legal Documentation. Amundi Stars Global Ecology ESG (Amundi Stars SFIO) - najnowsze wiadomości, aktualne notowania, forum dyskusyjne. Stand: 15.02.2020. den Fondskurs, Charts, Nachrichten und vieles mehr. isin: lu1883319474 - részvény. Chart, Kurs und Stammdaten zu Amundi Fds.Global Ecology ESG A EUR (LU1883318740 | A2PCQV | EUR) All Rights Reserved. The Service is distributed without warranties of any kind either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title or implied warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, other than those warranties which are implied by and incapable of exclusion, restriction, or modification under applicable law. The information contained in this Website shall not, without prior written approval of Amundi, be copied, reproduced, modified, or distributed, to any third person or entity in any country. AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A EUR AD (D) (WKN: A2PCQW, ISIN: LU1883318823) - Informationen zum Anlageziel und der Anlagepolitik des Fonds entnehmen Sie bitte dem Verkaufsprospekt bzw. Das Fondsvolumen belief sich auf 0,69 Mio. Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG - A EUR ACC ... KAG Kurs +2,00 +0,54%-371,46 EUR. Investment involves risk. Sa performance est fondée sur celle du Compartiment absorbé, qui poursuit la même politique d’investissement, est géré par la même équipe de gestion d’investissement et a adopté une structure de commission similaire. By using our Website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Jahre. In Italy, this documentation is available at If you are not “professional”, you are asked to leave this page and to navigate to the © 1999-2018 GmbH. Verzögerung 15 Min. 61.79 EUR. AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - I2 EUR (C) (WKN: A2PCQ5, ISIN: LU1883320050) - Informationen zum Anlageziel und der Anlagepolitik des Fonds entnehmen Sie bitte dem Verkaufsprospekt bzw. 4,50%. The information contained in the Website is solely intended for Professional Clients (as defined in EU Directive 2004/39/EC). Further, Amundi reserves the right to change or amend the information provided at any time and without prior notice. These views are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions and there can be no assurances that countries, markets or sectors will perform as expected. We believe that a standout feature of Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG is the diversified nature of the product (part of Morningstar category EAA OE Sector Equity Ecology). * Deutsche Bank Real-Time Indikationen basieren auf Preisen von der Deutschen Bank emittierten Produkten. Kursinformationen von SIX Financial Information Deutschland GmbH. . © 2019 Morningstar. By clicking Proceed I confirm that I am a Professional Client and that I have read, understood and accept the  Seit 30 Jahren legt der Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG in Aktien nachhaltig agierender Unternehmen an. Amundi Funds - Global Ecology ESG is an open-end fund incorporated in Luxembourg. A : Le Compartiment a été créé en vue d’absorber AMUNDI FUNDS II GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG. Information relating to costs and charges of the funds may be obtained from the KIID. AMUNDI FUNDS (the “Fund”) is a Luxembourg registered umbrella fund organised under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and is The Fund's objective is to increase the value of the investment over the recommended holding period. The information contained in this site is not intended for nationals or citizens of the United States of America or “US Persons” as defined by “Regulation S” of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the US Securities Act of 1933, which notably applies to any natural person residing in the United States of America and any partnership or corporation organized or registered under US regulations. ISIN: LU1883318740 Obiettivo d'Investimento Dichiarato: Amundi Funds - Global Ecology ESG G EUR (C) Il Comparto mira ad aumentare il valore degli investimenti nel medio-lungo termine.Il Comparto investe principalmente in un'ampia gamma di titoli azionari emessi da società su scala mondiale che offrono prodotti o tecnologie che promuovono un ambiente più sano e pulito o sono attente alle problematiche ecologiche. Subscriptions in the funds will only be accepted on the basis of their latest prospectus and/or the Key Investor Information Document ( “KIID” available in local language in EU countries of registration) which, together with the latest annual and semi-annual reports may be obtained, free of charge, at the registered office of Amundi Luxembourg S.A. or at WKN: A2PCQV, All conditions, warranties or representations, not expressly stated in these Terms are excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law. den Wesentlichen Anlegerinformationen (KIID). The Fund's objective is to increase the value of the investment over the recommended holding period. Der Aktienfonds Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG. 1990 war ein Jahr, in dem Weichen gestellt wurden. DAX. Investment return and the principal value of an investment in the funds or other investment product may go up or down and may result in the loss of the amount originally invested. terms of use Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG - A EUR DIS Fond (A2PCQW,LU1883318823) | Kurs. It is the responsibility of investors to read the legal documents in force in particular the current prospectus for each fund. Das faktische Ende des Kalten Krieges wird besiegelt, die deutsche Wiedervereinigung verwirklicht und der Klimaschutz nimmt mit einer FCKW-Kampagne Fahrt auf. Polityka inwestycyjna Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG Fundusz Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG inwestuje aktywa na całym świecie, przede wszystkim w akcje spółek, na których wycenę wpływ mają kwestie związane z ESG, czyli: ochroną klimatu, aspektami społecznymi oraz ładem korporacyjnym. Amundi Global Ecology A EUR Fonds (ISIN LU1883318823 / WKN A2PCQW). AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A EUR ACTION SYNTHESE DE GESTION 28/02/2021 Christian Zimmermann Senior Portfolio Manager Ian O'Reilly Gérant de portefeuille Indicateur(s) glissant(s) 1 an 3 ans 5 ans Volatilité du portefeuille 23,22% 17,77% 15,72% Ratio de Sharpe 0,91 0,63 0,61 Analyse des rendements Depuis le lancement Baisse maximale -56,89% Sustainability Screening (c. 2000)(on the basis of predefined exclusion criteria), Multi-Factor Screening(using snap shot multiples), Bottom Up Fundamental + ESG Analysis(using normalised numbers), *part of Morningstar category EAA OE Sector Equity Ecology. A : The Sub-Fund was created to absorb AMUNDI FUNDS II GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG. . AMUNDI FUNDS GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG - A EUR EQUITY FACTSHEET 28/02/2021 Legal information Issued by Amundi Asset Management SAS. We believe that a standout feature of Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG is the diversified nature of the product (part of Morningstar category This Website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other functions. Amundi Funds - Global Ecology ESG A EUR (C), ( 2,323.17M EUR. Past performance is not a guarantee or indication of future results. Dabei wählt der Fonds Unternehmen aus zehn festgelegten Anlagebereichen aus – im Gegensatz zu Fonds, die sich nur auf ein Anlagethema konzentrieren, wie beispielsweise Wasser oder Energie. Platz in der Kategorie Aktienfonds Ökologie/Nachhaltigkeit über 20. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Die Preisstellung erfolgt börsentäglich zwischen 09:15 und 17:15. Performance is based on that of the absorbed Sub-Fund, which pursued the same investment policy managed by the same investment management team and adopted a similar fee structure. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. amundi funds global ecology esg - a eur (c) isin: lu1883318740 amundi funds global ecology esg - c eur (c) isin: lu1883319474 amundi funds global ecology esg - c usd (c) isin: lu1883319557. AMUNDI FUNDS - GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG A EUR (C): Informationen, Kurs und Chart zum AMUNDI FUNDS - GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG A EUR (C) finden Sie auf BÖRSE ONLINE. B : Performance of the Sub-Fund since the date of its launch A B 0 2 Aktueller Kurs, historische Charts, Analystenchecks und aktuelle Nachrichten zum Amundi Global Ecology A EUR Fonds ). Als ich 2003 das Fondsmanagement des Amundi Funds Global Ecology ESG übernommen habe, war das, was wir heute unter dem Begriff Nachhaltigkeit oder dem Kürzel ESG für Environment, Social, Governance – zu Deutsch: Umwelt, Soziales und gute Unternehmensführung – verstehen, ein absolutes Nischenthema. Risk level. Auszeichnung €uro Fund Award 2020: 2. Unless otherwise stated, all views expressed are those of Amundi. Historisch: Historische Preisentwicklung für den Fonds 'AMUNDI FUNDS - GLOBAL ECOLOGY ESG A (C) FONDS' und individuell einstellbarer Zeitraum. 0,20 % 15.264,4 Amundi Funds - Global Ecology ESG is an open-end fund incorporated in Luxembourg. Für die aufgeführten Inhalte kann keine Gewährleistung für die Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und Genauigkeit übernommen werden.  for this Website. Our investment process is built around 10 proprietary ESG sectors that span across the broad universe of ESG investing. Er fällt in die Kategorie Aktienfonds International. Whilst Amundi seeks to ensure that the information on this Website is accurate and up to date, Amundi does not warrant the adequacy, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of this information and does not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in or the use of or reliance on the information on this Website. The funds described in this document may not be available to all investors and may not be registered for public distribution with the relevant authorities in all countries. 1. View other Responsible Investing Funds. Gebühren. Amundi Fds.Global Ecology ESG A EUR (A2PCQV | LU1883318740): Aktuelle Informationen zum Fonds, Charts und Performance - zusätzlich Breakdowns, Branchenvergleiche u.v.m. These terms and conditions of use should be read in conjunction with the cookies policy. Anleger im AMUNDI Global ECOLOGY ESG A EUR C besitzen auch Anteile am: DJE Gold & Stabilitätsfonds IA (LU0344733745, A0NC62) Swisscanto LU Portfolio Fund Sustainable Balanced EUR AA (LU0208341965, A0DQU0) Triodos Impact Mixed Fund Neutral R ausschüttend (LU0504302604, A1C1Y4) DNB Global ESG Retail A (LU0029375739, 986058) 01.04.2021-EUR-EUR. USD. Absorbed Sub-Fund inception: 2007.

Organigramme Axa Belgium, Groupama Reims Esplanade Roland Garros, Recrutement La Poste Centre De Tri, Seul Au Monde Streaming, Langue D'oil Traduction, Etf Growth Pea,

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