37th asean summit 2020 theme

We stressed the importance of undertaking confidence building and preventive measures as well as practical and mutually beneficial cooperation to enhance,  among others, trust and confidence amongst parties; and we reaffirmed the importance of upholding international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS. We reaffirmed our belief that regionalism and multilateralism are important principles and frameworks of cooperation, and that their strength and value lie in their inclusivity, rules-based nature, and emphasis on mutual benefit and respect. The theme of this ASEAN meeting is “Connecting and proactively adapting” to 300 conferences, operating in 10 provinces and cities across the North – Central – South region, with the main focus being the ASEAN Summit. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we commended AICHR’s continued efforts to engage with regional and international actors and stakeholders in sharing best practices and initiatives to promote and protect human rights in public health response and comprehensive recovery. In line with Vietnam’s ASEAN Chairmanship theme of “Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN”, the ASEAN Leaders will discuss the public health and socio-economic challenges posed by […] 2. Hanoi - As Chair of ASEAN 2020, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will preside over the 37th ASEAN Summit and related meetings, which will be held via video conference from November 12-15, Vice Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duong Hoai Nam told the ministry’s regular press conference on November 5. He also announced the theme of “We care, We prepare and We prosper” for Brunei's ASEAN Chairmanship Year in 2021. - The Media Center for the the 37th ASEAN Summit and related summits is located at Salon 2 Room, First Floor, ICC, 11 Le Hong Phong, Ha Noi. We reiterated the importance of the continued building of strategic trust and mutual confidence among countries, the exercise of self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability, refraining from the threat or use of force and resolving differences and disputes by peaceful means in accordance with international law. We welcomed the ongoing efforts to implement the Statement of ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry in Response to The Outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) to Ensure Food Security, Food Safety and Nutrition in ASEAN; the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security (SPA-FS) 2021-2025 to enhance our coordinated response on food security. We committed to strengthen cooperation, including with relevant stakeholders, to enhance resilience to disasters through effective mitigation, preparedness, disaster risk reduction, response and recovery efforts as we acknowledge the fact that ASEAN is highly vulnerable to natural disasters and that the current global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges for ASEAN in mitigating and responding to disasters. In this spirit, the theme for Brunei Darussalam’s Chairmanship will be “We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper”. We remained steadfast in our commitment to combat terrorism, radicalisation, violent extremism and transnational crimes, particularly amidst the challenges and new threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including by strengthening cross-sectoral and cross-pillar cooperation to this aim. We also welcomed the first-ever briefing by the Secretary-General of ASEAN at the UNSC on “Cooperation between the UN and Regional and Sub-regional Organisations in Maintaining Peace and Security: The Role of ASEAN” on 30 January 2020 at the UN Headquarters in New York, which helped promote ASEAN’s prestige and image at this global platform and contributed to the strengthening of ASEAN-UN relations. We looked forward to the live operation of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) through the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) among ready ASEAN Member States. overflow:hidden; We noted with satisfaction the progress in the five-year implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase I 2016-2020, which has significantly advanced regional connectivity and accessibility through enhanced power trade, expansion of regional gas infrastructure, achievement of regional energy efficiency targets in 2020, and increasingly focused efforts to achieve the region’s 23% renewable energy target by 2025. 4. We welcomed ASEAN’s commendable efforts in achieving a Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN, the theme of ASEAN for 2020. In the context of unprecedented regional and global uncertainty, under Viet Nam’s Chairmanship, ASEAN has shown resolve and resilience, emergingstronger than before. var pluginName = "flickr", High on the 37 th ASEAN Summit agenda is the Leaders’ discussion and approval of the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework and its Implementation Plan, which will serve as the whole-of-community exit strategy to recover and build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic. We encouraged AICHR to put in place a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress for an effective and impactful implementation of its comprehensive work plans. We encouraged the ASEAN Women for Peace Registry (AWPR) to raise public awareness and advocate an approach with gender perspective to peace and security, economic integration and empowerment, as well as to support the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in ASEAN. display: none !important; We also welcomed the outcome of the 13th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour held on 10 and 12 November 2020 in Hanoi, Vietnam which provided a platform for governments, trade unions, employers’ organisations and civil society to discuss and recommend actions to support migrant workers during  the COVID-19 pandemic for a Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN Community. We noted with appreciation the continued support of ASEAN Dialogue Partners and other external partners in forging partnerships with ASCN Cities and enhancing their capacity in smart city development. 34. .append($("", { "class": "label label-danger error" }) We urged both sides to actively take positive steps to allow for negotiations to gain traction and work together towards the resumption of negotiations to achieve an enduring peace. function Plugin(element, options) { We reaffirmed our commitment to protect and preserve the development gains achieved through the  synergy  between the ASEAN Community Vision  2025  and  the  2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. We announced the completion of the substantial negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and welcomed the signing of RCEP which demonstrated our strong commitment to supporting economic recovery, inclusive development as well as our support for an open, inclusive, rules-based trade and investment arrangement. Mid-Term Review (MTR) of ASEAN Community Blueprints and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 22. We reaffirmed our commitment to narrow the development gaps within ASEAN and to enhance ASEAN’s competitiveness as a region and accelerate ASEAN integration. The summit will be chaired by Xuan Phuc in his capacity as ASEAN Chair 2020 under the theme "Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN." 1. We also highlighted the importance of and reaffirmed commitment to further strengthening ASEAN’s partnerships with other external partners as well as regional and international organizations, including the UN to address global concerns, to pursue shared goals and complementary initiatives, and to promote sustainable development for the benefit of our people. We also reaffirmed our commitment to preserve the Southeast Asian region as a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone and free of all other weapons of mass destruction as enshrined in the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone (SEANWFZ Treaty) and the ASEAN Charter. We also welcomed the inaugural meeting of the ASEAN Cybersecurity Coordinating Committee that took place virtually on 5 November 2020. }); We looked forward to the 23rd  ASEAN-China Summit, the  17th  ASEAN-India  Summit,  the  23rd  ASEAN-Japan  Summit,  the  21st ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit, the 8th ASEAN-United States Summit, and the 11th ASEAN-United Nations (UN) Summit on 12-15 November 2020. Vietnam took over the chairmanship of ASEAN from Thailand in November 2019, and outlined the motto for the ASEAN meetings in 2020 to be ‘cohesive and responsive’. We agreed to further enhance APT cooperation in wide-ranging areas through the implementation of the APT Cooperation Work Plan 2018-2022. Lessons and experience drawn from the MTRs shall be of importance for ASEAN to move forward with the remaining goals for the successful completion of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. this._flickrPhotoset(response.photoset); In this regard, we welcomed the convening of the 18th EAF under the theme “Strengthening the ASEAN Plus Three cooperation for economic and financial resilience in the face of emerging challenges”, to be hosted via videoconference by Viet Nam in December 2020. We expressed our appreciation to our Dialogue Partners and other external partners for their continued support to MPAC 2025 and reaffirmed our commitment to forge more collaboration and cooperation, including through enhancing synergies between relevant connectivity initiatives within and beyond ASEAN in line with ASEAN’s Connecting the Connectivities Approach. .col-md-3 { 15. We encouraged the enhanced coordinating role of the EAS Chair in strengthening cooperation between the EAS and other ASEAN-led mechanisms as well as in ensuring effective coordination and exchange of information among the EAS participating countries inter-sessionally. height:auto !important; // Chain We applauded the ASEAN Labour Ministers for the adoption of the ASEAN Guidelines on Effective Return and Reintegration of Migrant Workers as a follow up to the ASEAN Consensus on Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. $.ajax({ box-shadow: none; We welcomed the ongoing development of the areas of collaboration and key priorities in the ASEAN-FIFA Collaboration Plan led by the SOMS and the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). The 2020 ASEAN Business Investment Summit (BIS) is also scheduled to take place in conjunction with the 37th ASEAN Summit, with the theme "Digital ASEAN: Sustainable and Inclusive". We reiterated our commitment to the full and effective implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) and the Roadmap on ASEAN Cooperation towards Transboundary Haze Pollution Control with Means of Implementation (the Roadmap) to achieve a Haze-Free ASEAN by 2020. We noted the finalisation of the ASEAN Regional Study on Women, Peace and Security and its significant contribution in mainstreaming the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the ASEAN context. 25. We reaffirmed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) as the key code of conduct in governing inter-state relations in the region and as a foundation for maintaining regional peace and stability. We noted the amendment of the Guidelines of the Use of the ASEAN Anthem, with a view to further encouraging the use of the Anthem in ASEAN official functions. We welcomed the realization of key initiatives of ASEAN in this regard, including the successful convening and fruitful outcomes of the Special Session at the 36th ASEAN Summit on Women’s empowerment in the digital age; the ASEAN Ministerial Dialogue on Strengthening Women’s role for sustainable peace and security and the first ASEAN Women Leader’s Summit held during the 37th ASEAN Summit on women’s role in building a cohesive, dynamic, sustainable and inclusive ASEAN Community in a post COVID-19 world. ASEAN FOUNDATION 41. The 37th ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings took place virtually from November 12-15. We look forward to the Final Report of the MTR of the AEC Blueprint 2025, capturing assessment of implementation until 2020, and noted that a public version of the Final Report will be made available. We welcomed the Joint Statement of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI) to Minimize the Negative Effects of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which resolves to counter the spread of fake news and misinformation relating to COVID-19 and the Joint Statement of the ASEAN Tourism Ministers on Strengthening Cooperation to Revitalize ASEAN Tourism. apiUrl = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/', We commended the role of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) as a center of excellence in promoting ASEAN’s efforts to address the humanitarian aspects of landmines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW) in the region. We were encouraged by the initiative to develop the ASEAN Database on Trade Routes and Framework for Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency to help  mitigate the impact of  COVID-19 in the region, stimulate post-pandemic economic recovery and strengthen resilience. We also welcomed the official launch of the ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) on 2 November 2020 to facilitate the cross-border transit movement of goods. this.each(function () { We also acknowledged the steady progress in ASEAN’s economic integration and regional connectivity with the enhanced capacity of ASEAN to adapt to the changing regional and global dynamics. We commended the work of ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee (ACCC), Lead Implementing Bodies, relevant ASEAN Sectoral Bodies as well as MPAC 2025 National Coordinators and National Focal Points in advancing the ASEAN Connectivity agenda. We also welcomed the role of the 54 ASEAN Committees in Third Countries and International Organizations (ACTCs) in promoting ASEAN’s interest and forging partnerships in the respective host countries and international organizations. Third, prospering together as a unified region. photosetId: "", We welcomed the development of the ASEAN Work Plan on Youth 2021-2025, which seeks to respond to the needs of ASEAN youth in the context of the opportunities and challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the post- COVID-19 era. We noted efforts undertaken to continue the second reading of the Single Draft COC Negotiating Text (SDNT) despite evolving pandemic situation. }); We recognized the role of the ASEAN Prize in promoting public awareness among the ASEAN citizen on the core values and principles of ASEAN as stipulated in the ASEAN Charter, which have significantly contributed to the ASEAN Community building process. We therefore encouraged the enhanced display of the ASEAN Flag in public buildings of ASEAN Member States, in accordance with ASEAN Member States’ domestic laws and regulations and the use of ASEAN Anthem at ASEAN official functions. We noted that the Independent Commission of Enquiry (ICOE) submitted its Final Report to the Government of Myanmar in January 2020 and reiterated the need to find a comprehensive and durable solution to address the root causes of the conflict and to create a conducive environment so that the affected communities can rebuild their lives. These reviews are important as they would not only provide an evaluation of where we are in our Community-building efforts but would also generate ideas on how best to move forward in the remaining years of implementation towards 2025, particularly in the face of new developments and emerging challenges.

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